FTP file from MF to AIX, fully encrypted

Hi All,

I have connected to MainFrame system from Unix AIX Server then using ftp i get the file "NJUSP_XYXYXY_NONONO" to Unix. Now when i tried opening this file using cat/more i am getting the content fully in encrypted format. please help me to read the content of this file from my Unix server.


Is it a plain text file or binary file ? Use file(1) command to find out the type of file. If it's a binary file, then use the binary mode for ftp to transfer the file from your mainframe. Using cat/more you can read text files, not binary files. You'll get a garbled display if you try to open a binary file using cat/more.

here is the output of file command:

NJUSP_XYXYXY_NONONO: data or International Language text

i am not sure, this means a binary file. please let me know how i can open this file?

Use od(1) or any other hexeditor (or hexdump) to see what's inside. If it's mostly text, then you could try opening it with vi.

Do you have the same encryption scheme on both systems. If the file was encrypted on the mainframe, then transitted using plain ftp, then the received file is still encrypted on the AIX machine.
If you are expecting the file to be in plain text when you receive it, then you should use sftp to handle the encryption, transmission and decryption.

Most likely the file is in ebcdic encoding. Try
dd if=in-file conv=ascii