ftp error.

i try to put files to ftp server.
but i got "550 Command STOR failed" error.
can u help me about this error?

my codes:

-bash-3.00$ ftp xxx.com
Connected to xxx.com
220 xxx.com X2 WS_FTP Server 7.5(39687500)
Name (xxx.com:oracle): user
331 Enter password
230 User logged in
Remote system type is UNIX.
ftp> put /oracle/BURGERKING/DATA/bk_kumule_20110419.txt
200 Command PORT succeed
550 Command STOR failed

chk the disk space and the permissions of the target directory

Not clear what you are trying to do.

For this syntax to work there must be an identical directory tree on both computers and you must have read and write access to the directory on the target computer:

If you just want to drop the file into the home directory of the target computer ftp account?:

put bk_kumule_20110419.txt