Ftp connection resfused Redhat Enterprice 3

Hello guys.

I have a problem i'm a newbie with Redhat , in other word i dont know much about it.

I just did a clean install and i'm trying to fto the box from a Xp computer ,

The error i'm getting is "ftp: connect : Unknown error number"

O know that i need to edit some files ir enable a service but i just cant find it.

If any of you could give me a hand on this will be nice ,

Thanks a lot

please use the search function. this question has been asked and answered before.

i did and there was nothing about the error message that i was getting "Unknown error number"

Also is a different version of redHat .

well first check to see that an ftpd is installed. i dont use redhat so you would be more familiar with this than i. open your package manager and check to see if there is an ftpd installed. after that, i would think redhat would enable it and everything should work. if it dosnt, then you have to go to your /etc/ directory and check your config files, might be inetd.conf or something somwhere else.

I thought vsftp setup would be on the forum too and even thought I already posted it. All I could find was wu-ftp. So here is vsftp (maybe again). If something doesn't make sense, check out the man pages or post a reply. I don't fully understand all the settings available in the .conf file so I probably can't help you there too much.

  1. Install the vsftp rpm. rpm -ihv vsftp*.rpm.

  2. vi /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd. Should look like this:

service ftp
disable = no
socket_type = stream
wait = no
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/vsftpd
server_args = /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
nice = 10
per_source = 5
instances = 50
log_on_success += PID HOST DURATION
log_on_failure += HOST

  1. Add "vsftpd: ALL" to /etc/hosts.allow. Replace "ALL" with your subnet, machine list, or whatever if you don't want everyone to be able to connect. ALL will let every machine connect, but you still need a login and password.

  2. Create an /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf file like this:


  1. (optional) - If you want to ftp as root or any other user that is normally restricted, remove them from /etc/vsftpd.ftpusers.

  2. (optional) - Do the same for /etc/vsftpd.user_list.

  3. Type 'service xinetd restart' and you should be set.

This setup may open the ftp door further then you want to but should get you started.

Hey man you are the best , thanks a lot
It worked just fine.