FTP: Can not listing and can not transfer file

Hi All,

My PC with Windows XP SP2 has some problem with ftp service.
FTP Server is : Windows Server 2003 Standard R2
The condition is I can log in and also can change ftp server directory,
But I can not listing the file and can not get or put any file.
It will hang and nothing happen until I press Ctrl-C it displays:

Aborting any active data connections...
425 Can't open data connection.

The complete output as below:

While if using other PC, there is no such problem.

Kindly need help here.. :(thanks.....

Seems like there might be a local firewall rule preventing incoming connections. Check whether or not the Windows Personal Firewall is active, and if you could add a rule to allow incoming FTP connections.

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THanks pludi, but I already turn off the windows firewall on my PC. And still the same...

First check your client PCs only have one firewall and that the Microsoft Security Centre settings are correct for ftp. Also check that your virus scanner is not getting in the way.

Though this issue is very common it is very difficult to diagnose and will need detailed research to come up with a software combination which works. That combination may well not include Microsoft command line ftp client.
Suggest you assemble a list of all the versions and patch levels then ask Microsoft what to do.

Some background reading:

Possibly known Windows 2003 IIS fault.
You receive error code 425 when you use the NLST command from a command-line FTP client

Symptoms described exactly (albeit for Windows Vista)
You may receive an error message when you use certain FTP commands on a Windows Vista-based computer

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thanks methyl. if i use other ftp tool it works fine. Maybe something error for command line ftp passive connection like i read on You receive error code 425 when you use the NLST command from a command-line FTP client.