
Hi All
I have an extremely frustrating problem with my Mandrake 9.1 machine. When I am in KDE no browser at all will resolve hostnames. Networking is fine, as I can reach websites via IP address, however hostnames just don't work! When I conduct 'nslookup' or 'host' queries via the command line, hostnames are resolved fine, so it's not a DNS issue.

Even GNOME applications, such as Evolution cannot perform hostname lookups.

Something locally is stopping the applications from working, which is extremely irritating - I hate problems which seem to defy all rational explanation!

Anyone got any ideas?

Just a guess, but is it possible your browsers have a proxy or DNS server set in their options/preferences which is pointing the wrong place? That might explain why command line can resolve hostnames but the browsers can't.

maybe your resolution order dosnt have DNS listed. usually the order is, /etc/hosts, DNS, and then any other name services you may have running.