FreeBSD NFS Problem

I am trying to setup 2 network shares that exist on a server. One of the shares is mounted but when i try to mount the second share I am greeted with:

# mount srv:/data/music /data/music
[udp] srv:/data/music: RPCPROG_NFS: RPC: Program not registered

Server Info:
name: srv

#cat /etc/exports:
/data/vid /data/music -maproot=root mbox

#showmount -e
Exports list on localhost:
/data/vid mbox
/data/music mbox

Does my directory have to exist on the client machine first? My understanding is that the directory is created when I mount.

Could it be something in my fstab?
srv:/data/vid /data/vid nfs rw 0 2
srv:/data/music /data/music nfs rw 0 2