FreeBSD compatibility with Solaris UFS filesystem?

Hi, I'm new to BSD and would like to create a dual-boot between Solaris Express Community Edition and FreeBSD.

I would just like to know if the Solaris UFS file system can be written to by BSD?

I know that BSD uses UFS2, but I'm hoping that it is backwards compatible with UFS1 provided that Sun haven't or BSD for that matter haven't put any proprietary extensions on the fs.....

Also since I have Debian Linux on my machine right now is it recommended to write to ext3 file system either? I know that ext2 is compatible and I've read that ext3 can be written to but then you don't take advantage of the journal?

Any advice would be great!!

I've tried another forum which told me to use the BSD mailing list, I tried the mailing list and it seems to be dead....?

This is my last chance before either making or breaking the system so I would be ever so grateful for any responses :slight_smile:

Kind regards