Forward a port from windows to linux

Hi all I have client-server application running on two different machine both having Virtual-box and running Windows as a host and Linux as a guest. For my application I need to access service port 20000 in Linux which is created by my server. So basically my request will be coming to port 139 in windows which should be forwarded to 20000 in Linux. I tried to forwarding it through network setting but was not able succeed. Can someone help me out with this and also let me know how can I achieve this task?

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I have not with virtual box but with googling find

I would be interested to know what your use case is for forwarding 139/tcp Netbios to 20000/tcp on Linux. When you said you tried "forwarding it through network setting", were you using:

netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=139 listenaddress= connectport=20000 connectaddress=<ip_of_virtualbox>

or something different?


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