Forum Trivial Pursuit - New Computer Science and Mathematics Trivia for

Approach 300 of our own Computer Science Trivia in our DB:

mysql> select count(*) from neo_open_trivia;
| count(*) |
|      273 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I have disabled the approximately 32 Science: Computer, 4 Science: Gadgets, and 18 Science: Math trivia true / false questions from the Open Trivia DB API and we will only be using our DB moving forward. Our trivia questions are better, faster loading, and is already approaching just about 5 times the size of the Open Trivia DB including there Computer Science, Gadgets and Math categories.

Hence, moving forward I will add questions to our Computer Science Trivia DB with a goal of trying to get to 1000 before the end of this year.

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1000+ Computer Science Trivia Questions at UNIX.COM