Formatting in a table via shell


I have the below output:

An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.
An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.

Is it possible to have a tabulated form like

ID                                                              Message

736f14c4-eda2-4531-9d40-9de4d6d1fb0f          An account already exists address.

I have no clue regarding the same. I tried AWK to format but not getting the expected result.

Please post your attempts.

Used this to have them in a single line:

awk '{printf "%s%s",$0,(NR%2?FS:RS)}' filename

now i am getting like this:

736f14c4-eda2-4531-9d40-9de4d6d1fb0f An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.
c3716baf-9bf8-42da-8a44-a13fff68d20f An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.

So you're almost there...? You may want to set FS to <TAB> , and you may want to print a header line in a BEGIN section.


paste - - < your-file-name


736f14c4-eda2-4531-9d40-9de4d6d1fb0f    An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.
c3716baf-9bf8-42da-8a44-a13fff68d20f    An account already exists for this email address. Please enter a different email address.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl