Forcing another user to run a shell script (su)

I'm trying to use su (as myuser) to force another user (theuser) to run a shell script (

su theuser -c /home/theuser/

However I'm running this from another script, and it is asking for theuser's password. I would rather avoid displaying it in the file (using echo <password> | <su command>).

I have searched and seen this asked a lot before, and the solution was to use:


at the end of my sudoers file, however with that it is still asking for the password.

unless their root this wont work.

run it like this as mysuser

sudo -u theuser /home/theuser/

As frank_rizzo points out you need to use sudo.

The entry you added to sudoers allows myuser to run any command as anyuser without password.

You should lock this down a bit, the following only allows myuser to run /home/theuser/ as theuser:

myuser ALL=(theuser) NOPASSWD: /home/theuser/