Force to change to a different password


I notice in my Sun Solaris 8 sparc worstation, I am able to change my password to same existing password.

That is, right now my password is abc, and I change it with "passwd" command and change it abc again. It will accept.

How can I make it such that it will not accept same password?



It looks like you are the superuser and having the problem in password validation.

I mean say your username is champion and you are logged in as super user,


# passwd champion

Will not do the validation of the basic rules like difference of 3 characters, min length etc...

but if you are logged in as champion and invoke passwd.


Then the validation takes place...

This is what I experienced with my set of Sun systems.

In fact I am also curious to know why is this so.... Hope somebody can throw more light on this....


If a person signed into or su'ed to the root account could not reset a password (either to the same thing or something new) then you would have accounts that would get locked/forgotten-password that you would have to delete and recreate.

As far as setting the same password - are you using NIS or NIS+?


The SA has unrestricted rights to the passwd command. And can operate freely unless the SA puts said restrictions on the root account itself.

The SA should be able to set the password for any user, even to the exact same passwd as before.

If as a user you type $passwd <enter>, you are subject to whatever the user restrictions are as setup by the SA, as opposed to the SA issuing # passwd champion. The SA could even set a passwd for a user that violates rules that the user lvls would be FORCED to use if they set their own passwd.