for starter

I have a problem
I got about 50 log files with some information, the info is not important. I would like to search only for specific info from the logs. I did find it. But i cannot see from where it comes
can you help me
I have used :
cat *.log | grep "??????", but the log file too.
Thanks for help ( sorry for the bad english )

awk '/\?\?\?\?\?\?/ {print NR":   "$0}' infile

Will give out the line number and the line. Take it as alternative to Jim's suggestion - I would prefer grep with that option too.

Edit: Changed it after I read Jim's answer since I saw I didn't get what you want :slight_smile:

grep -l '??????' *.log

I have tried
cat *.log | grep "?????" do find *.log grep "?????"
and it's working, but thanks i figured it out from your advise