For loop scp transfers check if all iterations successful

I am using a for loop to SCP a bunch of files in a directory. I am having it then drop a .ready file name. Is there a way to check for the success of all iterations and then email upon fail or success?

Example of part of my script:

for file in $ORIGLOC/*
[[ -d $file ]] && continue # skip subdirectories             
  myfile=`basename ${file%\.*}` #remove .txt and base path
  monthbefore=`date -d 'month ago' "+%Y%m"` #previous month date
  mv $file $ARCHLOC/${myfile}_$monthbefore.txt >> $LOGFILE
  touch $ARCHLOC/${myfile}_$monthbefore.ready

scp $ARCHLOC/${myfile}_$monthbefore DESTUSER@$DESTSERV:$DESTLOC >> $LOGFILE
     if [ $? -eq "0" ]; then
           echo $file Transferred Successfully at `date` >> $LOGFILE
           scp $ARCHLOC/${myfile}_$monthbefore.ready $DESTUSER@$DESTSERV:$DESTLOC >> $LOGFILE
           echo $file Transfer failed at `date` >> $LOGFILE

I don't see the "done" line in your script, but if you start a new $LOGFILE with each run, you could add

mailx -s "SCP Results" john.doe <$LOGFILE

after the done statement

Yeah these people are picky and would only want to be emailed IF any of the iterations failed. I don't want to email the log on each iteration though.

I think i am going to make a variable in the else statement. like set FAILED=0
if command not successful increment failed and then email if failed does not equal 0