FONT colours

I have set the following piece of code in .vimrc file.


if has("terminfo")
 let &t_Co=16
 let &t_AB="\<Esc>[%?%p1%{20}%<%t%p1%{40}%+%e%p1%{92}%+%;%dm"
 let &t_AF="\<Esc>[%?%p1%{10}%<%t%p1%{30}%+%e%p1%{42}%+%;%dm"
 let &t_Co=20
 let &t_Sf="\<Esc>[3%dm"
 let &t_Sb="\<Esc>[4%dm"


unable to understand the significance of certain things. This sets the colour as 'blue' for the integers which is quite annoying. Cannot see them in the black background. How do I change the blue colour.

ANy help is appreciated.

Have you tried setting a different colorscheme?

NO, I am unaware of how to set the different scheme in this. I need guidance for that.

  1. Open file in vi
  2. Do this :colorscheme desert
  3. Desert is the name of colorscheme. The different colorschemes are available in the colors/ directory of your vim installation. For me its in /usr/share/vim/vim70/colors/.. You need to search for something similar in your system.

I have attached the screenshot. Thanks for your previous suggestion but I believe it is only applicable to Vim in GUI (gVim). My requirement is of terminal.
The basic idea behind the screenshot is to turn the dark blue colour to some different keeping intact rest of the colours. Also, the highlighted colour on "grep"'ing a particular word needs to be changed.
Kindly assist.