fmadm faulty output

Hi everyone,

I wanted to ask a question about fmadm and explorer outputs.
Recently found out that an error shows up in fmadm saying "mb is faulty but still in service" so we took an explorer send to Oracle Support. Error led wasn't on but we didn't want to risk the probability.

They came up saying nothing is wrong with the system motherboard.

Doesn't explorer collect fmdata? I'm confused why fmadm shows such error if there is nothing wrong. Doesn't that clear log when the problem is not there anymore? Has anyone had such experience? :confused:

Thanks in advance.

royalliege - entries in fault manager have to be cleared out manually. They will remain until they are cleared. If you look at the output, you will see a date of when the error occurred. I don't know your system, but that error could be from years ago. Even though the initial problem has been resolved, the error will need to be cleared. For example, if you have a failed DIMM and you see it listed in the fault manager, you will still need to clear the message after the DIMM is replaced.

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