Fleet couldn't auto-reload changes from build files in Debian 12.5

in Linux (Debian 12.5) i installed Fleet, and downloaded a project android from kmp_jetbrains_com.
when i open the project from fleet and enable smart mode, it takes some times indexing the project, at the end i get error message that is:

'"Gradle: Couldn’t import project
Fleet couldn't auto-reload changes from build files"`

Screenshot from 2024-03-31 11-49-20

@HichemKanon , Welcome, given the very specific nature of this I think you'd be better reaching out directly to a 'Fleet' specific forum - for example https://www.jetbrains.com/fleet/socials/,
as looks pretty jetbrains/fleet specific.
There's also
https://twitter.com/Jetbrains_fleet .

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