Fix pipe command

Trying to get the below command to work which it does, however each time, regardless of host being up or not it always loops back to the start of the function where I need it to stop if the host is up and continue with teh rest of teh function.

echo -ne "Remote/local host address. Example user@ "
read remote_host_addr
sudo ping -c1 $remote_host_addr > /dev/null && echo "Host is up" && sleep 1 || echo "$RED Host not reachable$STAND" && sleep 2 && ssh_func_send

use actual if/then/else rather than trying to be cool with && and || shortcuts:

printf 'Remote/local host address. Example user@ '
read remote_host_addr
if sudo ping -c1 "$remote_host_addr" > /dev/null; then
  echo "Host is up"
  sleep 1
  echo "$RED Host not reachable$STAND"
  sleep 2

Worked perfectly, thanks!