Fishing out error message within a log file

Hi all,

i have a log file that captures success or failure messges when i run a daily job.
here is a sample of my log.

20060312 start
20060312 end

i need to write a subroutine that opens up the log daily after my job completes to examine the log and if there are failures alert me.

script that perform the job. print out current time,records success or failure. when job ends, 
print out time when job started. 
a small routine to open up the log, 
count number of times 'failure' appears demarked by the start and
end text and if count >1 email myself with the lines of failure.

how can i do it in perl? i am thinking along the line of storing the start and end line in two variables, open up the log, filter out the chunk of lines within the 2 variables and do a count. Any suggestions?

What means the number 20060312 before start/end?

The script below reverses logfile then searches text between end and start:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

open (INPUT, "< logfile");
for (reverse <INPUT>) {
    if (/end/ .. /start/) {
        last if /start/;

        if (/failure/) {
# failure detected: do hear what you want, e.g
            print 'FAILURE';