firmware update on t5120


I am using 3 t5120 sparc systems, OS solaris 10.

I am confused by update manager behaviour and sun support.

Sun support guy, tells me install patch : 136932-09 (#136932-09: Hardware/PROM: SPARC Enterprise T5120 & T5220 Sun System Firmware with LDOMS support)

When I checked, it clearly says, once done with prerequisits then use update manager (1.0.10 which systems have) to locate firmware patch. but the update manager in my case does not show any such firmware update available.

What is confusing is step 3 in

The NOTE clearly says that if you do not see update available then system does not need one.

Now support guy says, he does not know anything about update manager at all :slight_smile: and I should download patch from or he can email me.

The question here is, is it wise to do this firmware update when update manager does not show it (even though 1.0.10 is supposed to show firmware updates on t5120) Check: What's Been Fixed in Update Manager 1.0.10? - Patch Management -

Hope you understand my question,

I would like to know from people who have done this firmware update. How did they do it and was it success?

OK, Reason why I am doing it is, @ sc> console -f hangs , resetsc -y gives this error:

Support guy tells me install the above patch but does not seem knowledgeble enough to support his suggestion.


the patch is a new fw for your service processor. download the patch to your management mashine and unzip it. inside the unpacked directory is a file with the new firmware. the patch you need is 139439-01. the file inside is "Sun_System_Firmware-7_2_0-SPARC_Enterprise_T5120+T5220.pkg".
open a browser and enter your sp ip. login and go to the "maintenace" tab. the mashine has to be powered off for the update! enter the path to the pkg file and click upload...

Not that I am ungrateful,

This is again confusing because 139439-01 is Dec 23,08 release while 136932-09 is Mar2, 2009 release. I am ready to do any of of these if it helps take care of the SC> hanging issue. Another issue is I can not use this method of browser to update because I only can ssh to SC/ILOM while ports like 80 and any other is blocked in firewall...what is the other easier method ? :confused:

by the way I am sure commands like poweroff or any other are not going to work from the SC/ILOM, I just hope init 5 works from system but this is the case when I am sure which patch to install and how.

Question remains , is updatemanage not doing its job and we have to ignore this sh^%%^ from sun? and follow other methods using forums :smiley:

my method is from sun... you can use the "sysfwdownload" script inside the patch. and maybe you can just reboot your ilom. ssh to ilom and use the user "sunservice" and your root password. you should come to a # prompt. type "reboot" there...

I appreciate your help DukeNuke2-,reboot certainly helped.console-f works!

when I checked the SP OS, dmesg showed me out of memory error for vbsc, don't know what it is ..tried restarting the daemon but did not work, reboot helped! you rock!:b: