Firefox for Solaris?

I was wondering how i could install mozilla firefox for solaris 8?

I downloaded the file:


Then i read to decompress .bz2 files i need another software so i got bzip2, but i dont know how to install that eiether :frowning:

As your probably gathered im a newb.

Thnx in advance.

If you got bzip2 in package form then you add it by unsind the pkgadd command.

pkgadd -d PackageName

There is a tar.gz file there

Download it, then run:

#gunzip firefox-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.8.tar.gz
#tar xf firefox-1.0-sparc-sun-solaris2.8.tar.gz
firefox will be in the same directory, u need all your OS patches updated for it to run.

Ok I need a lot of patches, well i downloaded the first patch i needed 108434-18.

(It was a .jar file)

How do i install this, i tried using patchadd but it kept saying
"Patch directory /var/spool/patch/108434-18.jar does not exist."

I have the patch saved in the folder /var/spool/patch/

I figured it out. :slight_smile:

Thank You!