finger command

I want to know the correct version of how i should use the finger command in this example below.(os is debian lenny)

( is located in /home/nymserv directory.)

the two versions are :

finger stream tcp nowait nymuser /usr/nym/nymserv nymserv -fingerd

(in rc local script)
finger stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/tcpd /home/nymuser nymuser /usr/nym/nymserv -fingerd


ps i have tried
finger stream tcp nowait nymuser /usr/nym/nymserv nymserv -fingerd
finger stream tcp nowait nymuser /usr/nym/nymserv -fingerd

but get connection refused

To add a service to inetd.conf you add your line to inetd.conf and then a line to /etc/services to associate tour service name with a TCP/IP port number, /etc/rc.local does not come into the equation, unless you want to start a daemon to run as soon as the machine boots up like you might want to for sshd.

e.g. inetd.conf entry:

finger stream  tcp     nowait/3/10 nobody /usr/libexec/fingerd fingerd -s

/etc/services entry:

finger		79/tcp


can you please give an example how the comand line might look in my case
bearing i mind that the the finger details of list@ and remailer-key are generated out of the perl script at /home/nmyserv/



I'm sorry, I do not understand the question, I hope someone else does...