Finding the type of AIX server using command line

Hi All,

I am trying to find out type of AIX servers , for eg : server A is eServer p5 520 , server B is pSeries 630-6C4 etc.

Can some one suggest me the best way to retrive this information through command line.
is there any direct command or script by which i can retrieve this information or i have to do mapping with the model number ?
Please advise.

The one I know (relatively closest) is prtconf use | pg to read page wise. In there the very 1st line has something called System Model .


yes ibmtech and blackrageous you are correct , but i want to retrive complete description of model such as : eServer p5 520 , pSeries 630-6C4 etc.
Caould you please let me know by any means we can retrive this , preferable through command lien ?

Thanks a lot for your reply and information :slight_smile:

How I wish I had an explicit answer for you. You can check the system model on IBM website to know exactly.

ok there is no way to retrive this information from system..(
I think then i have to write a script or simmilar to tha twhich will have all the list of model numbers of IBM servers and then find out to which series those servers belongs to...

I wont be surprised if IBM comes up with such a command, but to the best of my knowledge I have not come across any such direct command.

But, you will understand the actual power type by reading the system mode l, if you are in the field long enough.

I remember few of them on top of my head

9113  550 P5
9117-MMA  570 p5+
9119-FHA 595 P6
8202-E4C p7 720
9117-MMC p7 770
9117-MMD p7 770+

Note: You might see the same system model for other higher models, such as 9117-MMx for 780(where x=C,D) , and the same goes with 5XX.

Don't quote me on that.

LOL, i have already filed a PMR. ;-))

Seriously: you can run a

lsattr -El proc0

and/or a

lscfg -vp

to get more detailed information about the system components in case you have to decide if it is a p5 or a p7 system.

There is also the HMC: generate and a system plan to get information about the managed system in question. This should work for all models down to POWER5-systems (not the p690 "Regatta", but I doubt there ist such a system still out there).

I hope this helps.


I'd always use

lsattr -El sys0

The model name, serial number, firmware version etc. are all there. of course, you need to refer to the IBM website to translate the model into the marketing name.

:o I've got a p690 still in use, oh and an M80 & four H70s :o

I can still get this output:-

keylock      normal        State of system keylock at boot time              False
maxbuf       20            Maximum number of pages in block I/O BUFFER CACHE True
maxmbuf      0             Maximum Kbytes of real memory allowed for MBUFS   True
maxuproc     1024          Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user      True
autorestart  false         Automatically REBOOT system after a crash         True
iostat       false         Continuously maintain DISK I/O history            True
realmem      2097152       Amount of usable physical memory in Kbytes        False
conslogin    enable        System Console Login                              False
fwversion    IBM,SST06012  Firmware version and revision levels              False
maxpout      0             HIGH water mark for pending write I/Os per file   True
minpout      0             LOW water mark for pending write I/Os per file    True
fullcore     false         Enable full CORE dump                             True
pre430core   false         Use pre-430 style CORE dump                       True
rtasversion  1             Open Firmware RTAS version                        False
modelname    IBM,7026-H70  Machine name                                      False
systemid     IBM,01*x*x*xA Hardware system identifier                        False
boottype     disk          N/A                                               False
SW_dist_intr false         Enable SW distribution of interrupts              True
cpuguard     disable       CPU Guard                                         True


prtconf |grep -i model
uname -M
lscfg -vp |grep Name:
lsattr -El sys0|grep modelname