Finding the hardware model name remotely

First, forgive me if this is a stupid questions that I should have asked in the non-expert forum. It seems like a hard questions to me.

Is there a way to find the hardware model name from the command line on UNIX machines in general?

I want to find out what kind of machines are running at a location that I can only telnet into. I don't want to have to ask the people there.

The specific OSs that I would like to do this on are AIX, Solaris and HP/UX.

Is this even possible?



uname -m

give you what you want?

Thank you, but I am not so sure.

I am looking for model info like for example:

  • on AIX something like: IBM P520 Power-6
  • SPARC something like: Sun Fire T2000
  • on HP/UX something like: HP RP3440

I have a feeling this cannot be had via the OS.
I guess you have to be looking at the machine in person or something.

I just thought I would ask. It is not an easy request.

On AIX try using prtconf
Solaris prtconf or possibly arch -k
HP/UX try model, getconf or machinfo

On Solaris, the prtdiag utility will give you that information

Thank you. I will try these suggestions the next chance I have.

I appreciate the help.