Finding the directories with same permission and then apply some default UNIX commands

Write a Unix shell script named 'mode' that accepts two or more arguments, a file mode, a command and an optional list of parameters and performs the given command with the optional parameters on all files with that given mode.
For example, mode 644 ls -l should perform the command ls -l on all files in the current directory that have mode 644.

I came up with this code. how can I ask the code to apply the rest of arguments in the command line to the result of the script?



shift 1 

ls -l |awk '{k=0;for(i=0;i<=8;i++)k+=((substr($1,i+2,1)~/[rwx]/) \
         *2^(8-i));if(k)printf("%0o ",k);print }'|grep "$mode"

Langara College - Vancouver - Canada , Hengameh Farrahmand, CPSC 1280
(it is my first post I hope I follow all the rules )

Why to reinvent the wheel ?

man find

see the -perm option

if it is related to translation to mode octal value you may also be interested in the following :

binary1=`echo "$1"|cut -c4,7,10|tr xstST- 011110`
binary2=`echo "$1"|cut -c2-10|tr rwsxtST- 11111000` 
octal=`echo "obase=8;ibase=2;${binary1}${binary2}"|bc`
echo "$octal" 
$ ls -l dbs* | awk '{print$1,$9}' 
-rwxr-xr-x dbshut 
-rwsr-s--- dbsnmp 
-rwxr-xr-x dbsnmp0 
-rwxr-xr-x dbsnmpj 
-rw-r--r-- dbsnmpj0 
-rwsr-s--- dbsnmp.sav 
-rwxr-xr-x dbsnmpwd 
-rwxr-xr-x dbstart 
$ ls -l dbs* | while read a b b b b b b b b 
> do 
> printf "%4d %s\n" $(conv_perm $a) $b 
> done  
 755 dbshut 
6750 dbsnmp  
 755 dbsnmp0  
 755 dbsnmpj  
 644 dbsnmpj0 
6750 dbsnmp.sav  
 755 dbsnmpwd  
 755 dbstart 

ok. the the code should be like this

find . -perm $perm $* {} \;

but my problem is that I dont know how I should apply the rest of the command line to the result of "find"
also let me check the code with "find" too

man find

see -exec option

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find . -maxdepth 1 -perm $permission -exec $* {} \;


Probably worth checking to ensure 2 or more arguments are passed and when incorrect output message to stderr and set the exit code