Finding server serial number

Hi All,

I wnat to know how to find out the Server serial number in command prompt?

I am using sneep command but it throughing unknown.

Thanks and Regards,

hostid and serial is different. don't get confused over it.

what kind of hardware do you have?

if you can, look on the box. :smiley:

I do not think there a way to read the HW serial by running a command. I did some search and finally asked Sun support and the response was "read it from the label"!

like already said before... this depends on the hardware...

That is right...

Go to cd /opt/SUNWexplo/bin

At the prompt type
#./explorer -g

You will be presented with some questions, just press enter to ignore or type "n" where neccessary.

The third question will show the serial number
System (xxxxx, 846xxxxx) serial number [xxxxxxxxx]:

grep -i EXP_SERIAL /opt/SUNWexplo/output/explorer*/defaults