Finding part of a string

Hi I am very new to KSH programming
and need some help with finding a string in an error log

currently i am doing

cat FTP_LOG.lis | grep Warning

which gives me
Warning: Authentication failed. Remaining authentication methods: 'publickey,pas

I want to only pick up the test between the "Warning:" and the fullstop"."

Any help appreciated



Try something like this :

sed '/Warning/!d;s/.*\(Warning[^.]*\.\).*/\1/' < FTP_LOG.lis 


here's one simpler, in Python:

for lines in open("FTP.lis"):
     if lines.startswith("Warning"):
         for c in lines:
              if c == '.': break
         print c,
nawk -F '[:.]' '$1 == "Warning" { print $2 }' FTP_LOG.lis 

Thank you
reborg, aigles and ghostdog74
for your isolutions, they work a treat
