finding line number if the line contains

i have a file , that contains data like
[00000048:00000030] 34343538 3136414D 45583030 30302E54 445816AMEX0000.T
[00000064:00000040] 524E2020 20202020 20202020 20202020 RN
[00000080:00000050] 20202020 20203030 38303030 30303030 0080000000
[00000096:00000060] 30303030 30300D 000000.
20080724-051254.668419 [29321] D 473 gft$push/parse_gft_client_response: 28- a GFT 'CTL' message extracted from message buffer.

i need to get the line number if it contains 473 and a GFT 'CTL' message extracted from message buffer.

i am using lineno1=$(awk '/473 a GFT 'CTL' message extracted from message buffer. / {print NR}' $FILE)

but i getting blank when print line1

please help


Use the octal or hex value of the single quotes instead of single quotes in your pattern (\047 or \x027):

lineno1=$(awk '/473/ && /a GFT \047CTL\047 message extracted from message buffer./{print NR}' $FILE)
