Finding LDAP server configurations

I'm using debian etch in my server and have a preconfigured LDAP server. I want to know which configuration can I use to configure libnss-ldap. My main questions is:

Does the LDAP database require login?
Special LDAP privileges for root?
Make the configuration file readable/writeable by its owner only?
Make local root Database admin?

Thanks in advance.

glibc runtime has pluggable architecture (NSS) for many queries like host, protocol, user, group,.... This can be configured in "/etc/nsswitch.conf" file. For querying to LDAP it required "/etc/ldap.conf" file. This ldap.conf is also read by pam_ldap. There is another configuration file "/etc/openldap/ldap.conf" in case you using openldap. This file is used by openldap command line programs.