Finding IP address of the system hosting an NAS


On Solaris 5.8 when I run the command df -F nfs one of the outputs I am getting is:


out of which "pun-filer-01" is hostname of the machine on which the NAS device is hosted and /vol/Unix/punehome/vineetd is the mount point.

I am interested in getting the IP address of this machine instead of hostname. Is there any command which can provide me with this information from the Solaris 5.8 machine? I will resolve this Hostname as a last resort only. If there is a command to get the IP then it will be really better.

Please help.



You can write script where you give hostname (from output of df ) to any of nslookup or dig and then parse output again and replace resolved IP-Address into original output of df

look up the Man page for the "showmount" command. One of the options should do what you want.