Finding FC Driver

Hello all,

I am trying to figure out what command I can use in AIX in order to find out the driver level for a Fibre Channel adapter. Generically I am able to use "lscfg" to get the details but I am unable to read the output correctly.

Can you help?

Many thanks,

-- output --

lscfg -vp -l fcs1

fcs1 17-08 FC Adapter

    Part Number.................09P1162
    EC Level....................D
    Serial Number...............KT12201575
    FRU Number..................09P1173
    Network Address.............10000000C9287E22
    ROS Level and ID............02903291
    Device Specific.\(Z0\)........4002206D
    Device Specific.\(Z1\)........10020193
    Device Specific.\(Z2\)........3001506D
    Device Specific.\(Z3\)........02000909
    Device Specific.\(Z4\)........FF101450
    Device Specific.\(Z5\)........02903291
    Device Specific.\(Z6\)........06113291
    Device Specific.\(Z7\)........07113291
    Device Specific.\(Z8\)........20000000C9287E22
    Device Specific.\(Z9\)........SS3.22A1
    Device Specific.\(ZA\)........S1F3.22A1
    Device Specific.\(ZB\)........S2F3.22A1
    Device Specific.\(YL\)........U0.1-P1-I3/Q1


Name: fibre-channel
Model: LP7000
Node: fibre-channel@1
Device Type: fcp
Physical Location: U0.1-P1-I3/Q1

-- end output --

Wouldn't it be the lsdev

lsdev -C | grep FC  # if any FC is claimed by the system 
lslpp -l | grep FC  # package installed related to FC 

Thanks Adryk!

I will try this.
