Finding difference in 2 different timestamps


I have a requirement to run the script exactly after one hour of completion of dependent script.

Eg: Script B should run after one hour on the completion of Script A.

I got the time stamps using following variables. these scripts runs in autosys

>  DATE=`date +%H:%M`
> JOB=`jobhist act abcjob  |tail -1 | awk '{print $6}'`

> echo $JOB $DATE
03:23 09:54

>  DIFF=`expr $DATE - $JOB`
expr: non-numeric argument

how to get the timestamp difference.
if diff is more than one then run the job, else, wait for one hour.
how to calculate that . please help

JOB_SECS=$(echo $JOB | awk -F":" '{print $1*60+$2}')
DATE_SECS=$(echo $DATE | awk -F":" '{print $1*60+$2}')

if [ $DIFF -ge 60 ]
  echo start job B
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if [ $DIFF -ge 60 ]

is it seconds or minutes. because you calculated diff in seconds?
Please explain working too :slight_smile: :confused:

It is calculated in minutes. 09:54 is derived by +%H +%M in your date command.

I'm simply trying to convert hours into minutes (09 * 60) and add minutes portion (+54). This will give the absolute minutes and can be used for finding out the difference.

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Thanks krishmaths
it worked.