Finding arguments for variables

Hello, I've done considerable research but haven't been able to locate info on finding available arguments for variables, and really anything that doesn't come with an associated Man page.

For instance:


Clearly "ne" stand for Not Equal, and likewise if I replaced it with "-eq" that would be Equal.

But I haven't found anywhere that lists out arguments for a given variable.

Can anyone help? Does such an argument repository even exist?


man test or man [ will cover cases where your script uses:

test $RETURN_CODE -ne 0


[ $RETURN_CODE -ne 0 ]

For cases where your script uses:

[[ $RETURN_CODE -ne 0 ]]

you'll need to look at the man page for your shell (which will probably also cover test expression and [ expression ] in addition to [[ expression ]] ).


Thanks so much for the reply. Actually though, I found I didn't ask this question appropriately. The -ne and -eq in my example are comparison operators not arguments, and I found a list of operators online.

Thanks again!

Shouldn't the man page of your shell be the first choice before searching the net? man bash :


I like Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide because it has tables and examples.

Best wishes ... cheers, drl