Finding a text file from a group of zip files without unzipping

HI ,
There are more than 100 zip files in a directory and i wanted to see if there is a max1157.txt file in any of the zip files without actually unzipping them. Could you please help. Thanks in Advance.


You have to open zip files and read what amounts to a directory of the file. There is no other way.

Forgot to add:

for fname in *.zip
   zip -l  | grep -q -F 'max1157.txt'  && echo " $fname  has my file"

i used a zipgrep command. But i think i had to install the utility to actually make it work. I m fairly new to Solaris administration actually. So i m seeking some help here. When i unzip the file in windows it actually has lot of files. And there are about 50 zip files and i had to unzip each of them..

Try this:-

unzip -l *.zip | grep max1157.txt

To get zip file name:-

for zip_file in *.zip
   if [ $( unzip -l $zip_file | grep -c max1157.txt ) -ne 0 ]
         echo $zip_file

Thank you Jim...Will give it a try and will let you know Thank you very much for the quick response appreciate your help.

Try this:

for file in *.zip
    zipinfo -1 $file | grep -q '^max1157\.txt$' && echo $file

Edit: oops seems others have posted very similar solutions while I was testing this