Finding a format in a file and replacing it


I need help in the following:
I have a file in directory with mutiple comma seperated values. One of the value is a date and time format like 2012-04-10 xx:yy:zz
I need to find that time format in the file and then replace it with xx:yy+1:zz
and then save it as a new file and copy it to a different directory.

How can I do this with shell scripting?

Is it always in the same column? That would make it a lot easier.

IOW, show a sample of your input data, not just a single cell of it.

yes most of the time.

test1,test2,T1,T2,2012-04-10 00:58:12,Sales,S,Test,70.00,76.21,16.2130,XX3546
test4,test7,T1,T4,2012-04-11 01:27:12,Sales,S,Test,10.00,16.21,6.2130,XY3546
gawk -F, '{gsub(/[^0-9]/, " ", $5);$5=strftime("%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S", mktime($5)+60)}1' OFS=, infile