Find words containing small letters

Hello, I have a file containing different words. How can i print the words which contain at least one small letter, for example if i have:

today TOMORROw 12345 123a
next preViou5 no

it should print the following:

today TOMORROw 123a
next preViou5 no

Any attempts/ideas/thoughts from your side?

for word in $(<$f1); do
        echo $word | grep "[a-z]"

$f1 stores the file name, the problem with my code is that the words are printed on separated lines.

Please post your OS and shell next time.

On some OS, echo -n suppresses <new line> chars. Or, use printf if available in your system or shell.

This is a quick awk solution:

awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i !~ /[a-z]/) $i = ""} 1' file3
today TOMORROw  123a
next preViou5 no

if you can tolerate the two spaces where a field has disappeared.

Thank you, problem solved!

Hi, I think your code is cool but a little tricky,could you explain the meaning of this "$(<$f1)" especially the "<" here,thank you!