Find Unmatched name from given lists..

i have two lists,
list1 => abc jones oracle smith ssm tty
list2 => abc jones lmn smith ssm xyz

now i want to print only those names which are present in list2 and want to remove names from list2 which presents in list1.

so i want OUTPUT => lmn xyz
because "abc jones smith ssm" from list2 are present in list1.

I want to do it in shell script using loop... plz help.

comm -13 list1 list2
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i want solution in shell script using loop.

Why do you need a loop for this?

You can loop over the output of the comm command:

comm -13 list1 list2 | while read l ; do echo $l ; done

Or use something like this:

while read list2 ; do
        grep $list2 list1 &>/dev/null
        if [ $? -eq 1 ] ; then
                echo $list2
done < list2
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Assuming 2 files list1 and list2 has list in same line:

# cat list1
abc jones oracle smith ssm tty

# cat list2
abc jones lmn smith ssm xyz

Here is a solution in BASH using only built-ins:


while read list2_line
        for list2_word in $list2_line
                while read list1_line
                        for list1_word in $list1_line
                                [[ "$list2_word" == "$list1_word" ]] && FLAG=1
                        [[ $FLAG -eq 0 ]] && echo -e "$list2_word \c"; FLAG=0
                done < list1
done < list2

Here is the output:

# ./
lmn xyz
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spcl thnx to bipinajith....
exact ans. which i want..