find then grep

I have some patterns that I need to match with the content of several files and I'm having trouble to do it

Here is what I tried already :

ksh won't even execute this

find . -name "*.properties" |\
while read file; do
  /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -f $pattern $file | cat >> results

and this doesn't give me the expected output:

find . -name "*.properties" | xargs /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -f flags | cat >> results

Why not simply use grep instead of the xpg4 version and there is no need for that cat process either...

find . -name "*.properties" | xargs grep -f flags >> results

I tried without the xpg4 version of grep, but it gives : grep: illegal option -- f

find . -name "*.txt" | xargs grep pattern | sed 's/^.*\.txt://' | cat  >> c


I modified your suggestion to fit my situation like this :

find . -name "*.properties" | xargs /usr/xpg4/bin/grep -f flags | sed 's/^.*\.properties://' | cat  >> c

but it gave me weird results. There was a lot of entries in the file, but none of them contained patterns from my flags file, like :

PROPERTIES_PATH         = c:/java/SM_Web/config/

I don't know if this can help you, but this is the content of my flags file


This is working for me on Ubuntu (with regular expression syntax in my pattern file).

find . -iname '*.ext' | xargs egrep -f patterns.txt

The find didn't work because of the -iname argument

Just try -name then. The -iname is just a case-insensitive version. If you know your extensions will always be lower-case (for example), then don't worry about -iname.