Find the feature code of the installed processor card on my p550


Does anyone know how to find the feature code of the installed processor card on my p550? Through AIX or HMC.

Basically I need to find the processor card type.

Thanks in advance


Not sure if this helps:

>lsattr -El proc0
frequency   4204000000     Processor Speed       False
smt_enabled true           Processor SMT enabled False
smt_threads 2              Processor SMT threads False
state       enable         Processor state       False
type        PowerPC_POWER6 Processor type        False

you'll need to look in the lscfg -vp output for a ccin associated with a processor resource and then lookup the ccin, or possibly the FRU number, in infocentre I think.

prtconf will show you the number of them and the speed.