Find text containing paths and replace with a string in all the python files

I have 100+ python files in a single directory. I need to replace a specific path occurrence with a variable name.

Following are the find and the replace strings:



I tried following without success

for y in *;
do sed "s/\"projects\\Debugger\\debugger_dp8051_01\\debugger_dp8051_01.cywrk\"/self.projpath/g" $y > temp;
mv temp $y;

Can someone please help me with the correct solution?

Post your sample input file.

for y in *;
do perl -pe 's/\Q"projects\\Debugger\\debugger_dp8051_01\\debugger_dp8051_01.cywrk"\E/self.projpath/' $y > temp;
mv temp $y;
$ ruby  -i.bak  -ne 'BEGIN{o=%q(projects\\\\Debugger\\\\debugger_dp8051_01\\\\debugger_dp8051_01.cywrk)};print if gsub(o,"self.projpath")' *.py

awk '{gsub(/"projects\\\\Debugger\\\\debugger_dp8051_01\\\\debugger_dp8051_01.cywrk"/,"self.projpath")}1' *.py
sed 's/"projects\\\\Debugger\\\\debugger_dp8051_01\\\\debugger_dp8051_01.cywrk"/self.projpath/' *.py

It worked correctly for me now...

Thanks for your quick responses.