Find percent between sum of 2 columns awk help

Hi I'm new to this forum and I'm a beginner when it comes to shell and awk programming. But I have the following problem:

I have 5 csv files (data1.csv, data2.csv, etc.) and need to calculate the average between the total sum of the 1st and 7 column.

csv example:

I can get the sum by running a for loop to calculate the total
for f in `ls data*`; do cat $f | awk -F "," 'BEGIN { rsum = 0 } { rsum += $7 } END { print rsum }' >> avg.csv ; done

Is a simple and clean way to have awk sum the total, then find the average between them?

awk '{a+=$1;b+=$7}END{print (a+b)/2}' file

i think you missed the field seperator

awk -F, '{a+=$1;b+=$7}END{print (a+b)/2}' file

That's right, thanks.