Find memory usage along with time

Hi Guys,

I have a script. It calls an executable inside (programmed in C). I will have to find the execution time of that script and amount of memory consumed by that process as well.


echo "Script starting"

echo "executable staring"
executable parm1 parm2 parm3
echo "executable completed"

echo "Script completed"


I know time ./ will give me the execution time of this. What I would want to know is the total memory(RAM) and %CPU utilized by this as well.

System Details:

Capture the PID of your executable, then use ps to check CPU & MEM:

UNIX95=1 ps -ef -o pid,pcpu,vsz,comm | grep <PID>

-o Not recognized...!!! :frowning: :frowning:

Yes, -o is an illegal option when you simply run ps on HP-UX.

So you have to set UNIX95 variable to use the XPG4 environment instead of the HP-UX environment.

$ UNIX95=1 ps -ef -o pid,pcpu,vsz,comm | grep init
    1  0.40     852 init
   23  0.05       0 pagetableinit_daemon
$ uname

Thanks, Yoda :slight_smile:

pid -- process id
pcpu -- CPU utility%
vsz -- memory usage? in KB or MB?
comm -- command