Find keywords, and append at the end of line

Task: Find keywords in each line, and append at the end of line; if not found in the line, do nothing.

the code is wrong. how to make it work. thanks a lot.

cat keywords.txt | while read line; do

        awk -F"|" '{if (/$line/) {print $0"$line , ";} else print;}' outfile.txt > tmp

        mv -f tmp outfile.txt

outfile.txt content look like this:

title1|content1|keywords... if keywords found in title1 or content1

keywords.txt content look like this: one keyword each line.


Please provide sample fileS and the desired output (using code tags).

anything not clear buddy?

just a guess, pal!

awk -F'|' 'FNR==NR{keys[$0];next} {for(i in keys) {if ($1==i) $0=$0 OFS i; if ($2==i) $0=$0 ((NF>2)? " ":OFS) i}}1' OFS='|' keywords.txt outfile.txt

no good

ok, thanks for sharing and for being thorough!

Give us sample data in outfile.txt and expected output, tmp
Please provide few rows in each file

only two files, tmp is not necessary

loop it

we damn world|this is it, this is it. loop it.|
let's play|how about that?|
you are good, just loop it.|Please provide few rows in each file|

expected output
we damn world|this is it, this is it. loop it.|world, we, loop it,
let's play|how about that?|
you are good, just loop it.|Please provide few rows in each file|are, loop it,
awk 'NR == FNR{a[NR] = tolower($0); n = NR; next}
  {out = $0;
  gsub("[[:punct:]]", " ", $0);
  for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
    {if($0 ~ a) out = (out a ",")};
  print out}' keywords.txt outfile.txt
awk -F'|' 'FNR==NR{keys[$0];next} {for(i in keys) {if ($1~i) $0=$0 ((NF>3)? ",":OFS) i;if ($2~i) $0=$0 ((NF>3)? ",":OFS) i}}1' OFS='|' keywords.txt outfile.txt