Find if XML element has a matching required element

I want to check if every <Part> element has corresponding <Description> in this sample XML.

        ....<Lot Of XML>
                    <Inv lineNumber="2">
                        <Description>aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbb</Description>
        ....<Lot Of XML>
                    <Inv lineNumber="2">
        ....<Lot Of XML>
                    <Inv lineNumber="2">
                        <Description>aaaaa bbbbbbbbbbbb</Description>
        ....<Lot Of XML>

This example should fail, since second <Part> does not have corresponding <Description>. I can count total <part> elements and total <Description> elements but does not feel that its the right way to do it.

Parsing using xml tools is not an option.

Counting the no of elements doesn't seem to be a bad idea unless you have some exceptions.
And where does this <Desc> tag exactly appear?


Ideally I want to look for corresponding <Description> tag for every <Part> tag two lines below.
when it can't find matching tag, search should end with false status.

Try this...

awk '/<Part/{getline;getline; if($0!~"<Description"){print "Error at line : "NR-2;exit}}' infile


Thanks ahamed, that is exactly what I was looking for.