Find highest value of a particular property in multiple files

I have multiple files with pattern of "*.tps (example:tps-20170307170421560-1053.tps)" in my log directory(files are in different sub directories).

entries in files are given below. I want to extract highest value of endtime accross all files.

"endTime :1488902691462"

Hello Agoyals1986,

Could you please try following and let me know if this helps you.

 awk -v RS=':|,' '/endTime/{getline;val=val>$0?val:$0} END{print val}'  Input_file

On a Solaris/SunOS system, change awk to /usr/xpg4/bin/awk , /usr/xpg6/bin/awk , or nawk .

R. Singh

Try also

grep -ho '"endTime":[^,]*' *.tps | sort -r | head -1

Thanks @RudiC working fine on linux but its not working on Solaris

With perl

perl -ne 'BEGIN {$search="endTime"; $max=0} if (/"$search":([0-9]*)/ && $1>$max) {$max=$1; $fname=$ARGV;} END {printf "%s \"%s\" %s\n",$fname,$search,$max}' *.tps

Omit what you don't need!

If you have python installed:-

import glob
import re

in_file = "*.tps"

e_time = []

for file in glob.glob(in_file):
    with open(file, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            pattern ='(?<=endTime":)\w+', line)


Also for subdirectories:

find . -name '*.tps' -exec sed '/endTime/!d; s/{//; s/,.*//' {} + | sort -r | head -1
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@Scrutinizer: thank you its working perfectly for Solaris and sub directories as well