Find files ONLY in current directory

Hello all,
I am having a hard type in figuring out how to only gather certain files in the current directory without exploring its subdirectories.
I tried:
find . -name ".ksh" -prune
this also returns ksh files from lower subdirectories.
I also tried
find . -ls -name "
This also returned files in lower subdirs.
Can you help me, please.

I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish here. If you only want to get all the "*.ksh" files in the current directory, just use the 'ls' command on its own:

ls *.ksh

My question is all driven by this:

I am interested in files in my current directory, such files have either a ksh extension or no extension at all.

I want to gather these files through a one line command and follow this with a grep to go through this list and produce a second list of the ones which have a particular string in them

Final result I found my search string in either ksh files or no extension files.

Can you help?

grep -l searchstring *

man find

find . -maxdepth 1 -type f

to find files with a particular extension

> ls | egrep -e ".txt|.sh"

to execute a command on the results, in a loop
here I wanted to print the first two lines of any matching files - and it did!

> for file in `ls | egrep -e ".txt|.sh"`; do head -2 $file; done
test,mno,mno, +asc
#! /usr/bin/bash


further to my earlier suggestion, I have realised that he only wants to search in .ksh files and files without an extension, all other files left alone, so

grep searchstring `ls |egrep  "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$|^.*\.ksh$"`

Try this:

find . -type f -name '*.ksh'

ls -1d *\.ksh 2>/dev/null | while read FILENAME
       if [ -f "${FILENAME}" ]
              grep "string" "${FILENAME}"