Find File with permission below 664

Using find i want to find files with permission below 664.

What does "below" mean? Is 177 below 664? Is 1000?

man find

Read about the -perm test.

I am making a script.I have read man and test it out.I know we can use some thing like this

find /abc -type f \! -perm  664

But this gave me files which are not 664.I want to find files in a directory have permission below 664.or less then there any way in find we can achive it.

As Chris said - please define below 664? We cannot possibly help you otheriwse.

I guess then its not possible.I want all file which is less the 644.less then 664 can be any file permission.i dont want any specific

Those numbers are created by testing for set bits from the stat structure element called st_mode.


and so on.

You have three bits for each number 6 (user or owner) 6 (group permissions) 4 (other or world permissions)
664 = rw-rw-r

They are not really addition or subtraction.

It may be possible (most things are), but if you don't tell us what "less than" means in this context, we can't help you.