find command with wildcard directory

I want to look if there is any file inside a specific directory which was modified before 2 days.

I wrote the find command, but the problem is there is one directory and that is a random directory generated by unix, so not sure on how to code for that on the find command.

find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-*/bcfa0dbbcf17f28c768d1d34da6b48a4/PGP -name '*.*' -mtime +2
find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-*/63acf2caf91bc136cb9bcce8a85c7fa8/PGP -name '*.*' -mtime +2

the folders bcfa0dbbcf17f28c768d1d34da6b48a4 and 63acf2caf91bc136cb9bcce8a85c7fa8 are random and generated by unix.

there are several hundreds of folders like this, so I want a generic soultion to code for the random directory

any help would be appreciated as this is urgent.

I doubt UNIX generates them, I think some application's probably doing so.

"*.*" is a DOS thing, what it amounts to for find isn't "find all files" but "find all files or folders with . in their name". If you want to find all files, leave off -name and try -type f (to limit it to files, by default it prints files and folders alike)

What is your system?

How about:

# Find all directories in .../PROD-* which are exactly 32 chars long
find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-* -type d -name '????????????????????????????????' -print -name '*' -prune
while read DIR
        find "${DIR}/PGP" -type f -mtime +2

The -name '*' prune tells it to not recurse deeper into those folders, which is the job of the second find.

yes yours should work and I also found an other way and changed the code as suggested by you.

find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-*/[abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]*/PGP -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -f '{}' \;

find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-*/[0123456789]*/PGP -type f -mtime +2 -exec rm -f '{}' \; 

so the above code will delete the files under folder PGP.

after deleting the files inside PGP I also want is to delete the PGP folder then remove the folder ??????????????????????????????? also.

I can delete the PGP folder using rmdir PGP

I want to know how to handle the 32char folder?

If you'd only said "dozens" I'd have have suggested this in the first place, but this is dangerous when you have lots of files and folders. There's a limit to how many things one glob can find -- in some shells, no more than a page or two worth.

The version with two finds has no limit at all.

You're only deleting some of the files. If they're not empty, I doubt you really want them deleted.

You'll need to use the two-find version to do this anyway, since it'd be torturous to get the right directory in one find and use it only once. I'll use 0-9, a-f if that worked for you.

# Find all directories in .../PROD-* beginning with [0-9a-f]
find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-* -type d -name '[0-9a-f]*' -print -name '*' -prune
while read DIR
        # Find files in "${DIR}/PGP", delete them if old enough
        find "${DIR}/PGP" -type f -mtime +2 | xargs -d '\n' echo rm

        # Remove these directories only if they're empty
        rmdir "${DIR}/PGP" && rmdir "${DIR}"
# the rmdir's will cause some error messages when they fail, redirect that to /dev/null
done 2> /dev/null

find | xargs rm will run 'rm file1 file2 file3 ...' where find -exec rm would run 'rm file1; rm file2 ; rm file3 ...' so xargs makes it much faster. The -d '\n' is to tell xargs to consider anything but newlines as part of the filename.

The 'echo' is just a test, to print filenames instead of deleting as a test. Remove it once you're sure it's doing what you wanted.

can you tell me a bit more about two finds?

so in my case do I have to give it as 0-9,a-z as it could be anything between 0-9 and a-z as the first letter of the folder. is there any restriction on the # of directories I can search using this wildcard?

also won't the rmdir "${DIR}" delete the full structure? I just need only till the 32 char folder deleted and the rest should be intact.

I just confirmed that it will be 32 chars and it will be consistent? so can i use the ??? approach? would that be better?

I think I forgot a pipe. No wonder it was puzzling you.

# Find and print all directories in .../PROD-* beginning with [0-9a-f]
find /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-* -type d -name '[0-9a-f]*' -print -name '*' -prune |
# Read lines like /Production/ST/.../bcfa0dbbcf17f28c768d1d34da6b48a4 into DIR, one-by-one
while read DIR
        # We feed that whole directory into another find, telling it to look
        # for files.  It prints them one by one, piped into xargs,
        # which uses them as arguments for rm.
        find "${DIR}/PGP" -type f -mtime +2 | xargs -d '\n' echo rm
        # Remove these directories only if they're empty
        rmdir "${DIR}/PGP" && rmdir "${DIR}"
# the rmdir's will cause some error messages when they fail, redirect that to /dev/null
done 2> /dev/null

If that didn't answer your question you'll need to ask about something specific.

I don't think so, those look like hex: binary numbers encoded as ASCII digits 0-9 and a-f.

There's no limit on find -name '*', no, because it can process them one-by-one. When you expand * inside the shell itself, it has to find all of them at once, before find is even run, potentially running out of room.

"rmdir /path/to/folder" only removes 'folder'. And it won't even do that unless it's empty. So I try to remove /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-/bcfa0dbbcf17f28c768d1d34da6b48a4/PGP, and if that succeeds, I try to remove /Production/ST/st*/Outbound/Prod/PROD-/bcfa0dbbcf17f28c768d1d34da6b48a4 itself.

And as I said, don't remove the echo until you're sure it does what you want.