Find command in Korn Shell


I am trying to execute the below in Ksh (telnet)

find ./request.txt -mmin -30

It says

find: bad option -mmin

What i am trying to do is by using find command i am checking wheather the file request.txt is there for 30 minutes or not

Please help

The version of find has more to do with the OS you have, than it does to do with the shell. find is an external (/usr/bin/find) command. You want files that
are less than 30 minutes old with a non GNU version of find:

This works

app> date
Mon Nov  9 13:57:57 MST 2009
app> touch -t 200911091257 dummy
app> find . -type f   ! -newer dummy -name request.txt

Note you need to specify a directory, not a filename