find -cmin or fin -newer

I am running SUSE/8 and SUSE/9 on a high end server (4 CPU, 8G RAM etc)

I have a huge directory structure with over 4million files in it. I have find the files that are modified (created, modified, renamed etc etc) in the last 10 minutes periodically.

I have tried "find -cmin -10" and "find -newer" options but these take very long time to report the result. A reason could be very large file set to be seacrhed for.

Another option would have been to use "iNotify", but my kerneel version is not compatibale and I am not allowed to patch it up !

Can any one suggest alternate approaches?

dunno if this would help, but how about restricting the search? say you are looking for plain files only, then add -type f to the find command.

Idea is fine, but it does not suite the requirement... Since it is part of synchronization tool, i cannot pick based on the types.

However, thanks for the suggestion.